Santa Ana McFadden Ave. Car Rental

Location Details for Santa Ana McFadden Ave.

Location Details


Renting a Car at Santa Ana McFadden Ave.

Information for Renting a Car in Santa Ana

This car rental branch is off the 55 Freeway in the Downtown Santa Ana area near the intersection of South Grande Avenue and East McFadden Avenue. We are located inside a strip mall. 

Areas Serviced

Santa Ana, North Santa Ana, Garden Grove, Anaheim

Places of Interest

Los Angeles – approximately a 1 hour drive
San Diego – approximately a 1.5 hour drive
Fresno – approximately a 4.5 hour drive

Driving in Santa Ana

Traffic is heavy from 7:00 AM - 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM - 6:30 PM.

Nearby Attractions

Disneyland, Anaheim Angels Stadium, Anaheim Ducks Pond, Newport Beach